New Year Resolutions   

by Dec 26, 2022Holidays0 comments

Does the New Year mean a new opportunity for financial health? For many people, the transition into 2023 will kick start a way to be their own financial superheroes by taking control of their credit. What are the best financial resolutions to make this January? And, more importantly, how can you be sure to keep them? Here are 8 resolutions to consider in the New Year and what you can do to make them happen.

Assess Your Credit  

What is your current credit situation? How many cards do you have open? How much debt? What about other loans, such as your house or car? Figuring out where you are will give you an idea of what to do next.

Start with a credit audit with Best Credit RX

Monitor Your Accounts

As a part of our process, everyone who signs up with Best Credit RX has to enroll in credit monitoring. Why? Because we can’t fix it if we don’t know what’s happening.

Sign up for credit monitoring today.

Ask for Help

It’s okay if you don’t know where to go from here. If you’re concerned about your credit and interested in getting back on track, don’t hesitate to ask for help. Credit repair could be your best solution, so at least start a conversation and see what should happen next.

Consider Your Current Employment

The last two years have been pretty crazy when it comes to employment. The Great Resignation led to a job seeker’s market. Even with recent tech layoffs, unemployment rates are still low right now. While we may see some shifts, now may be the best time to consider a new job with better pay and benefits.

Make a Budget

We always recommend making and sticking to a budget. This helps you stay on track with your finances when making purchases. A system like You Need a Budget lets you set up categories to pay your bills, save money, and have some left for spending.

Save Cash

Here’s something fun to consider. Try the 100-envelope challenge! By the end, you’ll have $5,000 in cash!

Work on Self-Care

Finance is only one aspect of our lives. And with stress and anxiety on the rise, we need to focus on our well-being. Spend some time on self-care, which doesn’t have to be expensive. Exercise more, eat well, and take time off when necessary.

Review Subscriptions

We’re all guilty of this in today’s consumer economy: too many subscriptions! Whether you’re subscribing to food boxes, meal prep, streaming networks, or anything else, take time to look at what you’re spending and cut back on a few.

So how can you achieve these things? Making and keeping a resolution is not always easy. But if you break it down into simple steps, you can achieve anything this year. Set a clear goal, determine the tasks that can help you reach it, and challenge yourself with deadlines.

To learn more about credit repair, sign up or schedule a time to talk to me today.

And sign up for credit monitoring here.

A message from Dale Marco:

Hi all, Dale here. I want to let everyone know that I work with credit monitoring partners as an affiliate seller. I make a commission when you sign up for these services, but I wouldn’t recommend just anyone. These are organizations I trust and use myself. My goal with my blog is always to educate, but it’s also part of my business, and I receive compensation when you use the products I recommend.

Dale Marco

Dale Marco


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